2021-02-23 18:29:27 +01:00
package main
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
// Parser structure to handle websites parsing logic
type Parser struct {
includeRegex *regexp.Regexp
excludeRegex *regexp.Regexp
ctx context.Context
// NewParser to create a new Parser instance
func NewParser(includeRegex string, excludeRegex string) (*Parser, error) {
log.Debugf("compiling include name regex")
2021-02-27 15:14:21 +01:00
includeRegexCompiled, err := regexp.Compile(includeRegex)
2021-02-23 18:29:27 +01:00
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Debugf("compiling exclude name regex")
2021-02-27 15:14:21 +01:00
excludeRegexCompiled, err := regexp.Compile(excludeRegex)
2021-02-23 18:29:27 +01:00
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Debugf("creating context with headless browser drivers")
ctx := context.Background()
ctx = drivers.WithContext(ctx, cdp.NewDriver())
ctx = drivers.WithContext(ctx, http.NewDriver(), drivers.AsDefault())
return &Parser{
includeRegex: includeRegexCompiled,
excludeRegex: excludeRegexCompiled,
ctx: ctx,
}, nil
// Parse a website to return list of products
// TODO: redirect output to logger
func (p *Parser) Parse(url string) ([]*Product, error) {
shopName, err := ExtractShopName(url)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
query, err := createQuery(shopName, url)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
comp := compiler.New()
program, err := comp.Compile(string(query))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
out, err := program.Run(p.ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var products []*Product
err = json.Unmarshal(out, &products)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// apply filters
products = p.filterInclusive(products)
products = p.filterExclusive(products)
return products, nil
// filterInclusive returns a list of products matching the include regex
func (p *Parser) filterInclusive(products []*Product) []*Product {
var filtered []*Product
if p.includeRegex != nil {
for _, product := range products {
if p.includeRegex.MatchString(product.Name) {
log.Debugf("product %s included because it matches the include regex", product.Name)
filtered = append(filtered, product)
} else {
log.Debugf("product %s excluded because it does not match the include regex", product.Name)
return filtered
return products
// filterExclusive returns a list of products that don't match the exclude regex
func (p *Parser) filterExclusive(products []*Product) []*Product {
var filtered []*Product
if p.excludeRegex != nil {
for _, product := range products {
if !p.excludeRegex.MatchString(product.Name) {
log.Debugf("product %s included because it matches does not match the exclude regex", product.Name)
filtered = append(filtered, product)
} else {
log.Debugf("product %s excluded because it matches the exclude regex", product.Name)
return products
func createQuery(shopName string, url string) (string, error) {
switch shopName {
case "cybertek.fr":
return createQueryForCybertek(url), nil
case "ldlc.com":
return createQueryForLDLC(url), nil
case "materiel.net":
return createQueryForMaterielNet(url), nil
2021-02-28 10:33:28 +01:00
case "microcenter.com":
return createQueryForMicroCenter(url), nil
2021-02-23 18:29:27 +01:00
case "mediamarkt.ch":
return createQueryForMediamarktCh(url), nil
case "topachat.com":
return createQueryForTopachat(url), nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("shop %s not supported", shopName)
func createQueryForLDLC(url string) string {
q := `
// gather first page
LET first_page = '` + url + `'
LET doc = DOCUMENT(first_page, {driver: "cdp"})
// discover next pages
LET pagination = ELEMENT(doc, ".pagination")
LET next_pages = (
FOR url in ELEMENTS(pagination, "a")
RETURN "https://www.ldlc.com" + url.attributes.href
// append first page to pagination and remove duplicates
LET pages = SORTED_UNIQUE(APPEND(next_pages, first_page))
// create a result array containing an one array of products per page
LET results = (
FOR page IN pages
NAVIGATE(doc, page)
LET products = (
FOR el IN ELEMENTS(doc, ".pdt-item")
LET url = ELEMENT(el, "a")
LET name = INNER_TEXT(ELEMENT(el, "h3"))
LET price = TO_FLOAT(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(INNER_TEXT(ELEMENT(el, ".price")), "€", "."), " ", ""))
LET available = !CONTAINS(INNER_TEXT(ELEMENT(el, ".stock-web"), 'span'), "RUPTURE")
name: name,
url: "https://www.ldlc.com" + url.attributes.href,
price: price,
price_currency: "EUR",
available: available,
RETURN products
// combine all arrays to a single one
return q
func createQueryForMaterielNet(url string) string {
q := `
// gather first page
LET first_page = '` + url + `'
LET doc = DOCUMENT(first_page, {driver: "cdp"})
// discover next pages
LET pagination = ELEMENT(doc, ".pagination")
LET next_pages = (
FOR url in ELEMENTS(pagination, "a")
RETURN "https://www.materiel.net" + url.attributes.href
// append first page to pagination and remove duplicates
LET pages = SORTED_UNIQUE(APPEND(next_pages, first_page))
// create a result array containing an one array of products per page
LET results = (
FOR page IN pages
NAVIGATE(doc, page)
WAIT_ELEMENT(doc, "div .o-product__price")
LET products = (
FOR el IN ELEMENTS(doc, "div .ajax-product-item")
LET image = ELEMENT(el, "img")
LET url = ELEMENT(el, "a")
LET price = TO_FLOAT(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(INNER_TEXT(ELEMENT(el, "div .o-product__price")), "€", "."), " ", ""))
LET available = !CONTAINS(ELEMENT(el, "div .o-availability__value"), "Rupture")
name: image.attributes.alt,
url: "https://www.materiel.net" + url.attributes.href,
price: price,
price_currency: "EUR",
available: available,
RETURN products
// combine all arrays to a single one
return q
func createQueryForTopachat(url string) string {
q := `
LET page = '` + url + `'
LET doc = DOCUMENT(page, {driver: "cdp"})
FOR el IN ELEMENTS(doc, "article .grille-produit")
LET url = ELEMENT(el, "a")
LET name = INNER_TEXT(ELEMENT(el, "h3"))
LET price = TO_FLOAT(ELEMENT(el, "div .prod_px_euro").attributes.content)
LET available = !CONTAINS(ELEMENT(el, "link").attributes.href, "http://schema.org/OutOfStock")
url: "https://www.topachat.com" + url.attributes.href,
name: name,
price: price,
price_currency: "EUR",
available: available,
return q
func createQueryForCybertek(url string) string {
q := `
// gather first page
LET first_page = '` + url + `'
LET doc = DOCUMENT(first_page, {driver: "cdp"})
// discover next pages
LET pagination = ELEMENT(doc, "div .pagination-div")
LET next_pages = (
FOR url in ELEMENTS(pagination, "a")
RETURN url.attributes.href
// append first page to pagination, remove "#" link and remove duplicates
LET pages = SORTED_UNIQUE(APPEND(MINUS(next_pages, ["#"]), first_page))
// create a result array containing an one array of products per page
LET results = (
FOR page in pages
NAVIGATE(doc, page)
LET products_available = (
FOR el IN ELEMENTS(doc, "div .listing_dispo")
LET url = ELEMENT(el, "a")
LET name = TRIM(FIRST(SPLIT(INNER_TEXT(ELEMENT(el, "div .height-txt-cat")), "-")))
LET price = TO_FLOAT(SUBSTITUTE(INNER_TEXT(ELEMENT(el, "div .price_prod_resp")), "€", "."))
name: name,
url: url.attributes.href,
available: true,
price: price,
price_currency: "EUR",
LET products_not_available = (
FOR el IN ELEMENTS(doc, "div .listing_nodispo")
LET url = ELEMENT(el, "a")
LET name = TRIM(FIRST(SPLIT(INNER_TEXT(ELEMENT(el, "div .height-txt-cat")), "-")))
LET price = TO_FLOAT(SUBSTITUTE(INNER_TEXT(ELEMENT(el, "div .price_prod_resp")), "€", "."))
name: name,
url: url.attributes.href,
available: false,
price: price,
price_currency: "EUR",
// combine available and not available list of products into a single array of products
RETURN FLATTEN([products_available, products_not_available])
// combine all arrays to a single one
return q
func createQueryForMediamarktCh(url string) string {
q := `
LET page = '` + url + `'
LET doc = DOCUMENT(page, {driver: "cdp"})
LET pagination = (
FOR el IN ELEMENTS(doc, "div .pagination-wrapper a")
RETURN "https://www.mediamarkt.ch" + el.attributes.href
LET pages = SORTED_UNIQUE(pagination)
LET results = (
FOR page IN pages
NAVIGATE(doc, page)
LET products = (
FOR el IN ELEMENTS(doc, "div .product-wrapper")
LET url = ELEMENT(el, "a").attributes.href
LET price = TO_FLOAT(CONCAT(POP(ELEMENTS(el, "div .price span"))))
LET available = !REGEX_TEST(INNER_TEXT(ELEMENT(el, "div .availability li")), "^Non disponible(.*)")
name: name,
url: "https://www.mediamarkt.ch" + url,
price: price,
price_currency: "CHF",
available: available,
RETURN products
return q
2021-02-28 10:33:28 +01:00
func createQueryForMicroCenter(url string) string {
q := `
LET first_page = '` + url + `'
LET doc = DOCUMENT(first_page, {driver: "cdp"})
LET base_url = 'https://www.microcenter.com'
LET next_pages = (
FOR a IN ELEMENTS(doc, "div .pagination .pages a")
RETURN base_url + a.attributes.href
LET pages = SORTED_UNIQUE(APPEND(next_pages, first_page))
LET results = (
FOR page IN pages
NAVIGATE(doc, page)
LET products = (
FOR el IN ELEMENTS(doc, "div .products .product_wrapper")
LET details = ELEMENT(el, "h2")
LET name = INNER_TEXT(details)
LET url = ELEMENT(details, "a").attributes.href
LET price = TO_FLOAT(ELEMENT(details, "a").attributes."data-price")
LET available = LENGTH(ELEMENTS(el, "div .price_wrapper form .STBTN"))>0
name: name,
url: base_url + url,
price: price,
price_currency: "USD",
available: available,
RETURN products
return q