# flexpool-activity [Flexpool.io](https://flexpool.io) is a next-generation [Ethereum](https://ethereum.org/en/) mining pool known for their [#STOPEIP1559](https://stopeip1559.org/) move. `flexpool-activity` is able to listen and notify when a new **block** is mined by the pool and display the up-to-date **miner balance** and convert it to **fiat**. ## Installation ``` sudo apt install python3-virtualenv virtualenv venv source venv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt ``` ## Telegram bot This [tutorial](https://takersplace.de/2019/12/19/telegram-notifications-with-nagios/) explains how to create a Telegram bot. You'll need the `chat_id` and `auth_key` for the next section. ## Configuration Configuration file use the JSON format with the following keys: * `miner`: wallet address of the miner * `currency`: symbol of the currency to convert (optional) * `telegram`: send notifications with Telegram (optional) * `auth_key`: Telegram authentication key for the bot API * `chat_id`: Telegram chat room id (where to send the message) * `state_file`: persist data between runs into this file (default: `state.json`) See [configuration example](config.example.json). ## Usage ``` python3 main.py --help ``` ## Contribute Contributions are welcomed! Feel free to update the code and create a pull-request. Be sure to lint the code before: ``` docker build -t pre-commit . docker run -it -v $(pwd):/mnt/ --rm pre-commit bash # cd /mnt/ # pre-commit run --all-files # exit ```