# arduino-sensors-toolkit This toolkit has been designed to be used with a DHT22 (humidity, temperature) and KY-037 (sound) sensors connected to an Arduino microcontroller. It is part of a self hosting project with specific needs. Feel free to fork this repository and update code for your needs. ## sensors2serial Arduino circuit: ![Circuit](static/circuit.svg) ## serial2mqtt ### Requirements - serial interface using sensors2serial code (ex: /dev/cuaU0 for FreeBSD, /dev/ttyACM0 for Debian) - MQTT broker (ex: [Mosquitto](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-secure-the-mosquitto-mqtt-messaging-broker-on-debian-10)) ### Installation - Installation on [Debian](debian/README.md) - Installation on [FreeBSD](freebsd/README.md) ### Configuration An optional configuration file can be used with `--config `. See [serial2mqtt.ini.example](serial2mqtt.ini.example). ### Usage ``` python3 serial2mqtt.py --help ```