APP_ENV=local APP_DEBUG=false SITE_OWNER={{ firefly_site_owner }} APP_KEY={{ firefly_app_key }} DEFAULT_LANGUAGE={{ firefly_language }} DEFAULT_LOCALE=equal TZ={{ firefly_tz }} TRUSTED_PROXIES=* LOG_CHANNEL=stack APP_LOG_LEVEL=notice AUDIT_LOG_LEVEL=emergency AUDIT_LOG_CHANNEL= PAPERTRAIL_HOST= PAPERTRAIL_PORT= # Database credentials. Make sure the database exists. I recommend a dedicated user for Firefly III # For other database types, please see the FAQ: # If you use Docker or similar, you can set these variables from a file by appending them with _FILE # Use "pgsql" for PostgreSQL # Use "mysql" for MySQL and MariaDB. # Use "sqlite" for SQLite. DB_CONNECTION=pgsql DB_HOST=db DB_PORT=5432 DB_DATABASE={{ firefly_db_database }} DB_USERNAME={{ firefly_db_username }} DB_PASSWORD={{ firefly_db_password }} DB_SOCKET= PGSQL_SSL_MODE=prefer PGSQL_SCHEMA=public CACHE_DRIVER=file SESSION_DRIVER=file REDIS_SCHEME=tcp REDIS_PATH= REDIS_HOST=redis REDIS_PORT=6379 REDIS_USERNAME=firefly REDIS_PASSWORD= REDIS_DB="0" REDIS_CACHE_DB="1" COOKIE_PATH="/" COOKIE_DOMAIN= COOKIE_SECURE=false COOKIE_SAMESITE=lax MAIL_MAILER=log MAIL_HOST=null MAIL_PORT=2525 MAIL_USERNAME=null MAIL_PASSWORD=null MAIL_ENCRYPTION=null MAIL_SENDMAIL_COMMAND= MAILGUN_DOMAIN= MAILGUN_SECRET= MANDRILL_SECRET= SPARKPOST_SECRET= SEND_ERROR_MESSAGE=true SEND_REPORT_JOURNALS=true ENABLE_EXTERNAL_MAP=false ENABLE_EXTERNAL_RATES=false MAP_DEFAULT_LAT=51.983333 MAP_DEFAULT_LONG=5.916667 MAP_DEFAULT_ZOOM=6 VALID_URL_PROTOCOLS= AUTHENTICATION_GUARD=web AUTHENTICATION_GUARD_HEADER=REMOTE_USER AUTHENTICATION_GUARD_EMAIL= PASSPORT_PRIVATE_KEY= PASSPORT_PUBLIC_KEY= CUSTOM_LOGOUT_URL= DISABLE_FRAME_HEADER=false DISABLE_CSP_HEADER=false TRACKER_SITE_ID= TRACKER_URL= ALLOW_WEBHOOKS=false STATIC_CRON_TOKEN={{ firefly_static_cron_token }} DKR_BUILD_LOCALE=false DKR_CHECK_SQLITE=true DKR_RUN_MIGRATION=true DKR_RUN_UPGRADE=true DKR_RUN_VERIFY=true DKR_RUN_REPORT=true DKR_RUN_PASSPORT_INSTALL=true APP_NAME=FireflyIII BROADCAST_DRIVER=log QUEUE_DRIVER=sync CACHE_PREFIX=firefly PUSHER_KEY= IPINFO_TOKEN= PUSHER_SECRET= PUSHER_ID= DEMO_USERNAME= DEMO_PASSWORD= FIREFLY_III_LAYOUT=v1 # # If you have trouble configuring your Firefly III installation, DON'T BOTHER setting this variable. # It won't work. It doesn't do ANYTHING. Don't believe the lies you read online. I'm not joking. # This configuration value WILL NOT HELP. # # Notable exception to this rule is Synology, which, according to some users, will use APP_URL to rewrite stuff. # # This variable is ONLY used in some of the emails Firefly III sends around. Nowhere else. # So when configuring anything WEB related this variable doesn't do anything. Nothing # # If you're stuck I understand you get desperate but look SOMEWHERE ELSE. # APP_URL=http://localhost